

主演:Tri Cao  Rodney Contois  




导演:Noam Gonick    


  The problem with a lot of recent Canadian cinema (at least anglophone Canadian cinema) is that the filmmakers are stuck in an idiotic post-modern frame of mind. If they aren"t trying to create inferior copies of other Western films, they"ve got their heads hopelessly rooted in the notion of indie, small-market culture.

  That and, I suppose, a general lack of talent is the problems.

  "Stryker", from Noam Gonick, the director of the delirious "Hey Happy" comes like a breath of fresh air, a glistening golden exception to prove that depressing rule.

  The film showcases a slice of life that most people would throw out with the tin dish -- the aboriginal subculture of Winnipeg"s troubled North End.

  No, Gonick is not himself aboriginal. But we are told that Nicholas Ray spent weeks cruising with L.A. street gangs in preparation for the brilliant "Rebel Without a Cause", and Gonick has certainly outdone that feat, apparently spending much of his time with the kind of gangs he showcases.

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